__________.__ __ .__ _________ .__ \______ \__|/ |_ ____ ____ |__| ____ \_ ___ \_____ _____| |__ | | _/ \ __\/ ___\/ _ \| |/ \ / \ \/\__ \ / ___/ | \ | | \ || | \ \__( <_> ) | | \ \ \____/ __ \_\___ \| Y \ |______ /__||__| \___ >____/|__|___| / \______ (____ /____ >___| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Bitcoin Cash - A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Welcome to electroncash.dk! Electrum server: Fulcrum 1.11.1 Bitcoin daemon: /Bitcoin Cash Node:27.1.0(EB32.0)/ Ports: 50002 (SSL), 50001 (TCP), 50004 (WSS) Tor: udfpzbte2hommnvag5f3qlouqkhvp3xybhlus2yvfeqdwlhjroe4bbyd.onion User sessions: 245 Server peers: 35 Height: 884475 IP addresses are not logged. Donations to bitcoincash:qp376h9hgeesayd4mx9787sxaec4qqp5lygw7f05r2 are gratefully accepted. Alternatively you can select 'Donate to server' from the Help menu. Thank you to all donors!